Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lucky Girl

I know it's been ages, I'm sorry... but just so you know, I missed you!

The boyfriend (Matthew ♥) and I recently bought a house. Not to brag, but we have never ever been better; things are just fabulous! The inside of our house is still pretty empty and we're in definite need of some decorating, but it's coming together. It's so much fun working on projects together and planning our future together. I'm one very lucky girl!!

Here are some photos of the house for you. They are from before we moved in, but let me know if you have any grand decorating or landscape ideas for us!

1 comment:

  1. so happy for you guys and where you're at right now, it's awesome! and I love your house; I still say that block party housewarming is in order! P.S. looking for camping spots as we speak!
