Wednesday, September 8, 2010

With this ring...

I will thee wed!!!

OH MY GOSH--the boyfriend fiance and I are engaged!!!

Matthew and I started dating more than four years ago. As ridiculous as it sounds, I knew from about two months in that he was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I have been proposing to him myself frequently throughout the years with a constant response of, "Be patient. It will happen when the time is right."

He was so right! Here's how he asked:

About a month ago, Matt let slip that we would be engaged before Halloween. Now, keeping in mind that I am extremely suspicious and have been expecting a proposal on every single date, every romantic holiday, every sunset etc for the past 4 years let's round down and say I was ecstatic! Anyway, Matt and I are heading to Denver at the end of this month to visit some friends and I had myself convinced that this was when he'd be asking. So, last weekend when Matt and I were camping with some friends and family for my birthday I didn't expect anything--UNTIL Matt uncharacteristically asked me to go on a walk with him.

Matt had to grab something out of the car as we left and was acting awkward and quiet. My heart was pounding out of my chest the entire time we were walking. And we walked, and walked, and walked some more. Every time I would try to slow down in a romantic area near the lake or something Matt would keep us going like he wanted to get somewhere special. Then, all of a sudden he said he was cold and would like to head back to camp. I had gotten my hopes up again for no reason and was quietly pouting to myself while we started to play a game of Apples to Apples with our friends back at camp.

It was my turn to judge the round and the word of topic was Legendary. I was going through the cards given to me by the others: Leonardo da Vinci... George Washington... "Wow, these are great cards. How am I going to be able to pick?"...Pablo Picasso....Shira will you marry me? !!!!!!!

I was shocked... stunned... breathless.... stupefied.... blown over. "Really?" I asked as I turned to Matthew to see him holding the most beautiful, perfect ring out to me with a look of pure satisfaction on his face. "Absolutely I do!!!!"

And the rest is history!!


  1. That's adorable! :) I love it! Congratulations.

  2. seriously so happy I got to be a part of this moment at the beginning of your new life together. I cannot wait for the wedding and all the firsts you guys get to experience together! so update please on wedding venue? you said you took the picture on a break from looking- help a girl out here I'm going crazy!

  3. Thank you, Erin, I love it too ;)

    Summer, we've looked at quite a few venues, but still haven't booked any actual appointments with a guide. I'm afraid that with the number of guests (200+) we're expecting we will be unable to have any of our favorites. So far though we really like Barber Park Education Center and the Esther Simplot Performing Arts Academy--plus of course Shore Lodge (which I still haven't been inside of). Though both of those in Boise might be too small...

    I'm hoping to set some appointments for weeknights this coming week. I'll let you know how things go :) Love you lady!

  4. I just read this Beautiful Cousin!!! The ring is absolutly FABULOUS!!!! And we are all so excited for yoU!!!! I love love love you!!!!

  5. Oh, and is that a saphire?
    You know...saphires in your wedding ring are supposed to be good luck.
