Thursday, February 25, 2010


Is anything as delicious as a macaron?! Well, technically, I've never eaten a macaron, but I hear they're delicious and they are absolutely gorgeous--so they must be delicious, right? I'm planning to make some this weekend as a treat to my sweet, sweet honey. He's been so patient with all of my job searching and he's constantly supportive of me following my dreams, regardless of the paycheck. I came across a great step by step guide for making macarons on Bakerella and think it will be a perfect thank you. I also noticed a follow up on Tartelette for more recipes and information on macarons and other desserts. Have any of you ever made macarons? I'm a little intimidated, but also very excited for these sweet little treats--I'd love your suggestions if you have any.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting SB. Your blog is lovely and these macaroons look to die for!!
